Promoting Sibling Harmony

Promoting Sibling Harmony


Do your children bicker, argue or fight? Do they come to you complaining about each other or telling tales? Parents can find it very upsetting to witness their child being cruel to his/her sibling and get tired of the endless quibbling and niggling and the noise. This webinar will give you practical skills to help your children be more tolerant and considerate of each other and resolve arguments successfully.

I will show you how much can be done to make it easier for your children to like each other. We will look at the causes of the rivalry and teach you many practical, well-tried solutions to help reduce the fighting and create a more harmonious environment. We will also look at effective ways to intervene without appointing yourself judge and to help the children resolve their own disputes. This webinar covers conflict resolution skills that will equip them for life.

This webinar looks at how to:

  • Identify the causes of sibling disharmony, including what parents do to exacerbate matters

  • Use a number of skills to encourage harmony between family members and to address the reasons for conflict

  • Build each child’s self esteem

  • Encourage positive interactions between siblings

  • Prioritise individual time and together time spent with children and use play time to build relationships

  • Train children in pro-social behaviours

  • Use rules to minimise conflict situations

  • Train children in emotion regulation

  • Understand how parental involvement can exacerbate sibling disputes

  • Identify when to get involved

  • Intervene constructively and minimally to help children resolve conflict themselves


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